The importance of the Parcells conditioning program

The Josh McCown column that I told you about yesterday is up on the Herald's site so if you are interested in reading what McCown has to say about this coming season and his chances to win the starting quarterback job, take a quick jump here and then make your way back.
Something I didn't get into in the column that really fascinates me is the Dolphins' new training regimen that Bill Parcells brought to the team. One of the first things Parcells was surprised with and knew he had to change when he became Lord Dolphin was the number of injuries the team suffered last year.
There were a ton, and for a team with limited depth, they were fatal. No exaggeration. The injuries killed the Dolphins season.
I've written before on this blog what folks like Bill Belichick (the freaken, fracken cheater) and Sean Payton say about the Parcells offseason regimen. They swear by it. McCown, who has played for three other NFL teams before joining the Dolphins, also is impressed.
"Everybody has a different way of doing things," he said. "And I’m not the one to say what is right or wrong. For me this system as far as the offseason approach seems very, very detailed down to the way we stretch, the way we warm up, even how we cool down. And obviously the workout and the running in between seems very detailed and says how we’re going to approach this thing.
"Throwing is something I'm doing here. It’s very detailed on how they expect me to perform and it’s specific for the things I needed to do to get better whether it’s footwork or my release or whatever the case may be. It seems a very detailed approached. They don’t just say, ‘It’s OK for you to do things your way.’ It’s the way they think is the best way to get it done. That’s the way they want you to do it.
"And they really hammer that in. For me that’s a little different and it’s exciting. I hope its beneficial and I think it will be because I like the changes I’ve made as far as myself and the way I approach football and the way I approach a day in the offseason."
If you understand how quickly this offseason workout routine makes converts of guys coming from other teams, if you recognize that assistants in the Parcells coaching tree have taken the system with them to their new teams when they become head coaches, you should then see why Parcells thinks it is so important.
Agree or not with its effectiveness, but Parcells believes in it. He apparently swears by it. That is the reason I think he was so angry and disappointed that Jason Taylor isn't participating. I believe Parcells thinks Taylor is not maximizing his chances to have a great season in 2008.
That is the bottom line.
Taylor, always in shape, may disagree. He can argue it's a voluntary program and he ain't volunteering. But the debate is not the point.
The point is Parcells thinks Taylor would be better for this team after going through his conditioning program rather than the Edyta Sliwinska (pictured) offseason program. I am not saying Parcells is right or Taylor is right.
I am just trying to make you understand why Parcells is so torqued-off by the issue. It's like the offseason program is Parcells' baby and somebody just ignored his baby.
Anyway, it also is interesting to me that after McCown admits in my column that he is adjusting his footwork and release, that makes two Dolphins quarterbacks who have been trying to do that this offseason. Remember that coach Tony Sparano said earlier this offseason John Beck was adjusting his release.
How long before Chad Henne is adjusting his release, I wonder?
Something I didn't get into in the column that really fascinates me is the Dolphins' new training regimen that Bill Parcells brought to the team. One of the first things Parcells was surprised with and knew he had to change when he became Lord Dolphin was the number of injuries the team suffered last year.
There were a ton, and for a team with limited depth, they were fatal. No exaggeration. The injuries killed the Dolphins season.
I've written before on this blog what folks like Bill Belichick (the freaken, fracken cheater) and Sean Payton say about the Parcells offseason regimen. They swear by it. McCown, who has played for three other NFL teams before joining the Dolphins, also is impressed.
"Everybody has a different way of doing things," he said. "And I’m not the one to say what is right or wrong. For me this system as far as the offseason approach seems very, very detailed down to the way we stretch, the way we warm up, even how we cool down. And obviously the workout and the running in between seems very detailed and says how we’re going to approach this thing.
"Throwing is something I'm doing here. It’s very detailed on how they expect me to perform and it’s specific for the things I needed to do to get better whether it’s footwork or my release or whatever the case may be. It seems a very detailed approached. They don’t just say, ‘It’s OK for you to do things your way.’ It’s the way they think is the best way to get it done. That’s the way they want you to do it.
"And they really hammer that in. For me that’s a little different and it’s exciting. I hope its beneficial and I think it will be because I like the changes I’ve made as far as myself and the way I approach football and the way I approach a day in the offseason."
If you understand how quickly this offseason workout routine makes converts of guys coming from other teams, if you recognize that assistants in the Parcells coaching tree have taken the system with them to their new teams when they become head coaches, you should then see why Parcells thinks it is so important.
Agree or not with its effectiveness, but Parcells believes in it. He apparently swears by it. That is the reason I think he was so angry and disappointed that Jason Taylor isn't participating. I believe Parcells thinks Taylor is not maximizing his chances to have a great season in 2008.
That is the bottom line.
Taylor, always in shape, may disagree. He can argue it's a voluntary program and he ain't volunteering. But the debate is not the point.
The point is Parcells thinks Taylor would be better for this team after going through his conditioning program rather than the Edyta Sliwinska (pictured) offseason program. I am not saying Parcells is right or Taylor is right.
I am just trying to make you understand why Parcells is so torqued-off by the issue. It's like the offseason program is Parcells' baby and somebody just ignored his baby.
Anyway, it also is interesting to me that after McCown admits in my column that he is adjusting his footwork and release, that makes two Dolphins quarterbacks who have been trying to do that this offseason. Remember that coach Tony Sparano said earlier this offseason John Beck was adjusting his release.
How long before Chad Henne is adjusting his release, I wonder?
Armando is horrible. Brandon Guzio is the man. 10-12AM on the Ticket.
Turn over plays are a big reason for injuries ( Green and Brown are examples) and we had a lot of turn overs last season. Guys trying to block and tackel that are not trained to do so get hurt.
Well, here is the interesting thing. They are changing Henne's mechanics so that he doesn't have such a long release.
So, ALL THREE of our quarterbacks are changing their mechanics this year!!!! Conventional wisdom says that you can't change a quarterback's mechanics (see, Rivers, Phillip; Young, Vince). So, who knows more?
With all these QBs its is a wait and see situation. I just hope we can get a true starter out of one of them finally. Not exspecting a Brady, Manning, Farve, or Marino, but just a consistant Starter would be nice.
Armando, it seems this guy Brandon just got done with a show and immediately goes on your blog to plug himself because nobody listens to his lame show. Either that or some retard at 790 is very envious of you.
I do want to know what day this weekend you'll be on so I can listen as always. You are clearly one of the better talents on there along with Sedano and Lebs.
Who the hell is Branden Guzzano?
If he's on that 10-12 show, I guess I know why I never heard of him because that show sucks!
Mando, wouldn't have thought about it if it hadn't been brought up, but I thought you had been hired to do a daily show with that kid, I forget his name, on 790.
I tuned in the other day and he's on there boring the hell out of me. Went right back to FM. Why aren't you on there?
I listen to QAM myself. Much better in the morning with Rose and Mandich rocks driving home.
Armando will you have a Dolphins show during the season like last year?
Brandon Guzio is a nobody that 790 put on the air after Joe Rose left and 790 went into the tolit.
J.T.'s conditioning program is like the Bird Cage movie, Michael Kidd,Michael Kid.Fosie, Fosie, Fosie. Madonna, Modanna.
Will the Dolphins install a wall of mirrors and a bar in the bubble so J.T. can work out in his tutu.
keep working them hard tuna!!!!!!
I was going to comment on the post until I saw Mando's radio geeks hijacked this blog.
To wit I think he doesn't have a classic radio voice. But the guy gets it as far as putting some excitement and energy in a show.
Mando also comes with strong opinion and information. I also know who the hell he is. I never seen Sedano or guzio. That's my two cents.
The dolphins in their pansy aqua jerseys combined with the fact their previous weight lifting and conditioning was a joke lead to a perceived 90 pound weakling team and 1 and 15 record. I applaud parcells for getting the fins into the weight room, mandatory not voluntary and now if he can only change the puke colored jerseys to a more manly physical one. you cant tell me that teams arent intimidated by the steeler jerseys. As for the ballerina jason taylor, mr softee, go retire and sip wine with denzel washington or get down here and bust your ass with the rest of your teammates in the weight room. The choice is yours but unlike suck ups like joe rose etc, i wont cry crocodile tears if you want to fade away into hollywood. Bill parcells has the fins on the right path and i applaud him telling jt play or retire.
why doesn't 790 just play dead air? it would be an improvement over the current lineup.
I like 790 in the afternoon, but Sid rosennewyorker gets on my nerves. And I like Sedano but they moved him and the show that follows is worse than listening to white noise. Sounds like a college station talk show. Cantstanddan is really good, tho.
We always get the losers like Sid from NY in FL. If you read Sid's Bio, Sid was born when they did a colonoscopy on Don Imus and discoverd a polyp which was Sid.
Good insight, 'Mando. All of these people defending Jason Taylor forget one of the first, if not the first statement Parcells made. And that was about the correlation of conditioning (or lack of) to injuries.
You might say, Tayor wasn't injured. I say look at his performance....was he in shape?
Brandon Guzio???that guy and K-roge are the worst talk show hosts I've ever negative and boring..they either piss me off or put me to sleep...I don't think either of them like any sports whatsoever...they should hold hands and take a long walk off a short pier..
'Mando--how long until you start criticizing the Fins offseason program and in-season workouts as too onerous and harmful to the team? Wasn't that the theme of your work during the latter-Shula & Johnson eras, when the team would fade in December. Phony-baloney, as usual.
that is a good looking woman.
You are a stinky writer Armado.
You are the only one stinkin up the place with the JasonT and Parcells fret. And why do you have so many Anonymous writers.
So yo can respond to your own blogs to make your self look good to the Herald.
How long before the Herald FIRES YOUR POINTLESS ASS, I wonder?
Dat Roro Kid
Yo this is Mando's agent. please cease and desist from defamatory comments on my clients. Otherwise, I will put you on a plate for Samson Satele.
I had thought that Cameron was supposed to have these guys in shape last year. The way he was talking it was like they were going to be tough and ready to go.
They were just mailing it in in practice.
When they are in shape they won't lie down in the 4th quarter or expecially December.\
Kevin in Halifax
Yo Mando, really slow eh? You are singlehandedly keeping this JT and Parcells rift alive.
The workout may be parcell's baby, but too bad so sad, he should have taken a coaching job. Boohoo. Sparano is the coach so lets hear what he has to say.
That was some good insight into the offseason changes, and a glimpse at what surely was a major reason for the team stumbling so badly last year.
Thanks for the info. And thanks for ignoring the jerks. Your blog keeps an otherwise dull offseason informative.
Matt in NC
Mando can you give us some more details into this conditioning program?
What makes it so different? and how does it compare to last seasons or Saban's program?
Good post. I say give me Shula's 12 minute run and Edyta Sliwinska!
Mando why do you put up with the driveling retards that bash you for no other reason than to bash you? Hit the delete button, young man!
I think you are the best of the best covering the Dolphins. You have been for a long time. And, yes, I listen to you on the radio when you're on and, yes, you're darn entertaining there, too
Keep up the great work!
I am going to participate in the Parcells conditioning program too so that my computer mouse fingers will be bigger and stronger. This way, when I sit here all day hitting the refresh button so that Armando can get more page views to brag about, my fingers won't get injured in the middle of the season. Anything for you, bro.
This is an EXCELLENT blog. Good information. But it is annoying that, no matter what Armando Salguero writes, the comments mostly are about him rather than the content. Read the guy, don't rate the guy people.
The only reason I would really like Armando to have his own show is to talk Dolohins football year around. Baseball sucks and they talk the crap out of it. The main reason Armando does not have a show is because his voice is pee wee and he sounds like a gay guy or should I say Gender challenged. I do however really like the guy. Without Armando we would have no football talk in the off season...just remember that. He is a nice guy and shares our views as a true Dolphin fan. He really likes the phins and you guys dont see that. Armando is #1 in my book!!!
You guys are going to run Armando off this Blog. I am a Dolphin Finatic and most of the time there are no colums referance the dolphins and Armando continues to give us coverage all off season when other boring writers like Leb RETARD write about ther personal views of the public ora. If you dont like Armando, dont read his blogs! I love the guy, and I am a loyal fan of his and I got his back! No I aint a friend of his, I never met the guy, Im just a fan that feels he should address the jerks responding. Go Away!
If you want proof I am a real guy and not affiliated with Armando you can see who I am at not stop what you are doing, I know you are a true Dolphin fan just like me. Without you....I would have a boring off season! Thank You Armando, We Appreciate you!!!
You stink
armondo, I think that when you look in the mirror you see our President and smile, oblivious to the fact that his job approval rating is 28 percent-about the same as yours.
Who needs football when you can be dancing with Edyta every day.
Well, this has been an interesting day on the blog, from what I've just read.
In a blog about the Dolphins conditioning program you guys managed to find a way to trash me, praise me, love me, hate me, trash 790 The Ticket, trash the Kevin Rogers show, praise Joe Rose and Jim Mandich, trash the Dolphins uniforms, trash The Ticket some more, trash my friend Sid Rosenberg (although Ramerstone's colonoscopy comment was funny), love on Edyta, tell me you love me, tell me I stink, tell me I do a great job, tell me I should be fired, tell me I have approval ratings like the president, impersonate my agent, impersonate a brother I do not have, and once again admire Edyta.
And through it all there were over 9,300 hits on the site as of this writing which means more than 1,000 hits per hour since this post came online.
So all in all, it was a great day. Thanks for the comments and your time. Let's do it again tomorrow!!!
Did anyone read the story from usa today that 1 of the pats tapes that walsh turned over is marked dolphins ofensive signals oct. 7 2001?
Just because your blog got so many hits doen't make you a good writer.
It means there are a lot of hungry Dolfans out there dying for hope of good news.
Well, hillbillyboy, if you don't like the guy, go off and date your mom or marry a goat and stay the hell off the man's blog.
I can't get over people thinking you are not a good writer -- which you are -- but still sucking your wang by coming to your blog.
If you think for a second, a off season program is going to elimanate injuries, YOU ARE WRONG. I dont care what type of program parcells run, the bottom line is, in the NFL injuries happen its part of the game.
The game of football you need to play good and have some luck thought-out the season and injuries is just part of the game. The fins need to get lucky with injuries this year.
Armando, please link to a public comment made by the Dolphins front office indicating displeasure with Taylor's dancing.
You can't do it!
On the contrary, Sparano has encouraged Taylor to win the dancing competition.
Please print that Taylor signed on to do 'Dancing' BEFORE (December) Parcells was even hired by Wayne(January).
THAT is a fact, but you never mention it because it is inconvenient to the ad nauseum regurgitation (is that redundant?) of the supposed Tuna/Taylor 'rift'.
Please link to a public quote that Parcells asked Taylor to reneg on his commitment to 'Dancing' and join the off-season program.
You cannot do it!
NOW we can discuss this specific off-season conditioning program in a new light. Just say it is important. It seems to bear fruit for those teams who use it. It is a shame that Taylor is not involved in it. Not because he will be any less or more conditioned than he usually is, but because Parcells particularly likes the esprit that training in the weight room engenders - and he loves gym rats.
This is NOT a make or break circumstance. If Taylor were injured and unable to attend, but recovered in time for camp, it would be mostly the same situation.
Can we PLEASE move on?
Nomdeplame said it best. Enough wiht the dancing with stars and the media made rift. Cant wait until Armando get pushed to soccer coverage for Telemundo....maybe an undercover story about Renalaldo and the Trannies. Armando what happened to your gig on ESPN?
Please don't pretend you are a real fan if you want to diss our uniforms. Those colors are MIAMI. They are the Dolphins. That is our legacy. How old are you? The younger fans don't remember how menacing the Dolphins in white were when they were the cream of the NFL.
Forget changing the uniforms. If this team starts bowling over people, then people will be scared. Period. The Raiders uniforms are menacing and scary, but nobody is afraid of them either because they suck.
Here is something for someone out there to put up on a banner and take it to Dolphin Stadium when the Fins play the Patsies.
Bill Belichick will now be known as BILL BELICHEAT.
Rob in S. FL :-)
Brandon Guzio is the wackest person on 790 next to little boy nerd Zaslow. Guzio or Lil Guzio like Sedano calls him has to be the most negative person on this earth period. Just look at his picture on 790's website, the word grumpie does no justice for this man.
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